Actual Hell: Pedagogical Gags and Shaggy Dogs 2014 - 2017
2017Produced in collaboration with graphic designer Ella Sutherland. The works comprise a series of comments made to dissertation drafts by my supervisors, Dr Lucas Ihlein and Professor Sarah Miller. The typographic treatment of the text draws attention to my process of ‘trying to find the right words’ when writing this dissertation by isolating them from the original context. The repetitive layout of the comments alludes to Agamben’s notion of the gesture which he likens to an act of gagging; the process of ‘being in language’, trying to communicate and at the same time referring to what cannot be said (2000, p 60).
This work is also produced as artists pages for Un Magazine, Issue 11.2, Laugh Now Cry Later, eds David Capra and Amelia Winata